Black Powder Magnetic Separators

Black Powder Magnetic Separators

Summary : In the past two decades, magnetic separators have emerged as a leading method for contaminant removal and have proven effective in eliminating black powder soli

In the past two decades, magnetic separators have emerged as a leading method for contaminant removal and have proven effective in eliminating black powder solids and liquids in hundreds applications throughout the natural gas transmission stream. Black powder is a common challenge that spans all phases of the natural gas industry from the wellhead to the burner tip. Its removal is necessary to improve or maintain operational efficiency and safety. Black powder magnetic separators from consumer to industrial has quick development.

Designed using patented magnetic separators, a large magnetic surface area is created with the ability to trap and hold contamination larger than 100 microns to sub-micron level particles under high flow and viscosity conditions, to ISO levels exceeding industry standards.

Flow Diagram of Black Powder Magnetic Separators System

Even though all samples of black powder were practically dry, the presence of magnetite implies that water had to have been present somewhere in the system in the past. The water could have originated in high dewpoint gas, found reduced temperature or pressure, and naturally collected in low places of the pipes. Repair operations could also have led to water in the pipeline.The black powder consisted of about 80% corrosion products, with the remainder typical soil minerals. No iron sulfide was found in black powder samples.

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